With a palette knife in one hand and a Sumi ink brush in the other, Hannah Seki creates abstract paintings that capture fleeting yet deliberate moments — when one brushstroke meets another and forms ethereal imperfections. Her experimentation with color groupings, unique textures, and subtle, golden flecks tap into concepts of both her Japanese and American heritage/upbringing. Hannah’s process is fluent and organic; she starts with a set of colors and an overall feeling and ends with something exceptionally unintentional. She takes inspiration from her surroundings; from the vibrant colors of Seattle street art to the more understated and subdued natural landscape of the Pacific Northwest. With the application of Sumi ink, she constantly challenges herself to capture singular brushstrokes and accept the perfect imperfections that come from the act. She leaves room for surprise in her work while exploring energy, movement, and the balanced precision between light and dark. She currently resides in Bellevue, Washington with her husband. two sons, and
French Bulldog.
© 2022 by HANNAH SEKI